This pair of Rigmate canvasbacks have yellow glass eyes, black incised bills painted at top with two points at end. The drake has a red head extending down the neck. There is a black line extending down middle of head to back. The breast is black with a ring of plumed black feather lines. The back and underside are off white. The tail is black with gold feather lines The dimensions are 16"L 7"H .

The hen has a brown head extending to the tail. The breast is has a ring of plumed brown feathers extending round the breast.  The back is brown and underside is off white with grey wing feathers on either side. The back is brown with gold feather lines extending to the tail. The dimensions are 16"L 7"H .

Both ducks are Mason Challenge Grade = plain carving, no head detail, simple paint patterns, solid wood. They are solid, in good condition with minor wear and minor paint loss. The bill of the hen has minor damage at the tip.

# 3308-4284
